Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Questions and answers

Questioning and listening to the answer are two really important parts of understanding somebody else. To get somebody to change is normally easier if you understand them.
Many people were taught about the 5 W's, why, who, what, where and when; so remember to use them, BUT don't use why!!

What, where, when and who are easier factual questions to answer, and don't imply that the person being questioned is wrong. These can give great information that you can work with.

When asked WHY the first typical response to to justify oneself, immediately this means that the person is closing down. In NLP terms the why questions goes straight to the realms of beliefs and values, which are close to the core of the person; the other 4 W questions deal more with behaviours, environment and capability, all of which are less threatening.

Make a change with your questioning and get to know more.
