Friday, January 12, 2007

New year resolutions

At this time of year many people start to think about new year resolutions, which often last about 2 weeks into the next year.
Setting goals is a central part of coaching, and how you go about this can radically affect your chance of success.
Get a really clear picture in your head of what you want (NOT what you don't want); really work on the picture - turn up the colour, play with the brightness, size and sounds till it becomes more motivational.
What phrase will help you conjure up that picture, as you'll want to revisit it regularly if you're to succeed in getting your goal. The phrase needs to be short and phrased positively, in the present tense. For example "I am a confident person", would be much better than "I will become confident".
Set yourself small steps that you can achieve, rather than one giant task which will seem too daunting. Celebrate success with each of the steps you achieve, that's one step closer to your ultimate goal. Most importantly write it all down, and re-read it regularly.
These are key pointers from the overall goal setting process; the January workshop contains much more about it, or go online and order my free goal setting booklet (link below).
I wish you every success with your new year resolution, and a very happy new year.


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